The Communists Party (PCRM) asks the new administration of the Ministry of the Interior, the Security and Information Service and the Prosecutor General's Office (PG) to stop politicizing their subdivisions and taking personal and political revenge on the employees.
In a news conference on Wednesday, Communist MP Anatolie Zagorodnyi said that the humiliation, oppression and persecution of the police officers cannot be in the interests of the society, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Anatolie Zagorodnyi says that the Ministry of Internal Affairs must be apolitical, but Minister Victor Catan has a political bias. “The statements made by the Minister from the rostrum of the Parliament and on other occasions show that he was named to the post by the Liberal-Democratic government in order to settle accounts,” the said.
According to the MP, several hundred police officers are forced to leave their jobs. He refused yet to give names. “A person is called and told to tender the resignation. Otherwise, he is forced to leave,” Zagorodnyi said, adding that those who refuse to resign are threatened with harassment.
Anatolie Zagorodnyi also said that the Communist MPs are threatened that legal cases will be opened against them if they do not vote for the Alliance for European Integration's candidate for the presidency.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs has not yet commented on the accusations.
The Prosecutor General's Office denies the accusations and stresses it is an apolitical institution that works strictly in accordance with the law, spokeswoman for the PG Maria Vieru has told Info-Prim Neo