Communist MPs Natalia Vysotina and Aliona Babiuc accuse the Filat Government of misleading the teachers. According to them, the teachers did not receive the bonus for the vacation and the additional payments for class master work and for checking the written works.
“The promise to raise the teachers' salaries by 24% is only a nice statement made for the press,” the Communist MPs, who are members of the parliamentary commission for culture, education, youth, sport and mass media, told a news conference on January 25, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The bonus to the basic salary for vacation is calculated according to the teacher's degree. The teachers with the second degree benefit from a bonus of 30%, those with the third degree – of 40%, while those with senior degree – of 50%. The payment for class master work in primary schools is 90 lei, while in secondary and high schools - 150 lei. The payment for checking the written works is calculated depending on the subject.
“The present administration only criticizes the previous administration. However, the Communist government did not reduce the expenditure for the social sphere,” said Aliona Babiuc, demanding that the Filat Government explain why the teachers did not get the additional payments.
“It seems as if we return to the 1990s. The teachers are not adequately paid. What should they expect tomorrow? What should they do with the children and elderly parents? We demand that the authorities stop lying to the people and neglecting the social sphere,” said Natalia Vysotina.
Representatives of education trade unions said recently that for the first time the teachers in Moldova were not paid the bonus for the vacation and other additional payment to which they are entitled at the expected time.