Parties’ reaction to repeated nomination of Natalia Gavrilița for PM

The parliamentary parties reacted differently to the repeated nomination of Natalia Gavrilița for premiership, IPN reports.

The Party of Socialists said President Maia Sandu’s decision to nominate the same candidate for Prime Minister even if Natalia Gavrilița wasn’t voted by any of the MPs was announced as a result of a simulation of consultations with parties. President Sandu refused to take the opinion of the parliamentary parties into account, except for the opinion of the PAS. In a press release, the PSRM says the given decision violates the Constitution and the recent Constitutional Court judgments that oblige the President to nominate the candidate proposed by a constituted parliamentary majority. Maia Sandu’s action is an attempt to usurp the power in the state. The PSRM will challenge the President’s decree to the CC on February 12. “Until a judgment is passed, we will request the Parliament’s administration not to accept to convoke a sitting where the person who was illegally nominated for Prime Minister would be examined again,” runs the press release.

Denis Ulanov, MP of the Shor Party, which forms part of the parliamentary platform “For Moldova”, after consultations held with the President said “For Moldova” signed in favor of the candidate for Prime Minister Mariana Durleșteanu. Maia Sandu was informed about the existence of the necessary number of signatures and, under the CC judgment, was obliged to nominate this candidate.

PAS MP Sergiu Litvinenco posted on Facebook that after President Maia Sandu announced her decision by which she rejected the Dodon-Shor coalition, we can say that we have a President with character who places people’s interests above the interests of oligarchic groups and who goes firmly against thieves and towards cleaning the political class.

In a post on Facebook, PPPDA MP Dinu Plîngău said the political situation in the Republic of Moldova can be described as ‘anarchy’. He reiterated that snap elections can be organized based on a consensus between the presidential administration and Parliament. “The date of snap elections should be set calmly and someone should assume responsibility for 6-7 months, until we have another Parliament and Government. They chose the path of war, of confrontation as a result of which there will be no Government and no snap elections. No party gains, the mafia wins and the vainglory is to blame,” wrote Dinu Plîngău.

The president of the PDM Pavel Filip after the consultations with the President said that either snap elections are triggered or not, the political class and the President are obliged to explain the social situation to the people and say how the pandemic crisis will be managed in continuation. “If we want to overcome the economic crisis, this will be possible by forming a broad coalition between the PSRM, PAS, PPPDA and PDM, with a well-planned government program. In such a situation, a balance between all the political forces would be created and in a period we would be able to overcome this crisis,” stated Pavel Filip.

In a press briefing in the evening of February 11, President Maia Sandu announced that she nominated again Natalia Gavriliţa for the post of Prime Minister. “I asked Natala Gavriliţa to form the team, to prepare the government program and to present them to Parliament,” she stated. Maia Sandu said that the presidential administration received a letter by which 54 MPs propose a candidate for Prime Minister. The letter contains signatures of persons who she doubts stated their will freely, of persons who were involved in the bank fraud and of MPs who switched parties and parliamentary groups for several times.

Earlier the same day, Parliament didn’t give a vote of confidence to the Cabinet proposed by the candidate for Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița.

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