The MPs on November 8 adopted again the Code of Audiovisual Media Services, confirming its previous vote. The bill was sent back to Parliament for reexamination by President Igor Dodon, who made use of his veto right, IPN reports.
According to President Dodon, provisions of Article 17, paragraph 4, whose declared goal is to protect the national audiovisual sphere, institutes regulations that concentrate and monopolize the national space with information, feature, military and political television and radio programs produced in the EU member states, the U.S., Canada and the states that ratified the European Convention on Transfrontier Television.
In the same sitting, the MPs reexamined and adopted again the bill on the General Carabineer Inspectorate. The bill defines the legal framework and principles of activity, organization and functioning of the Inspectorate and its duties and the status carabineer. By December 31, 2020, the Inspectorate will gradually switch over to military service based on contract exclusively.
Under the Constitution, the President of the Republic of Moldova, if he has objections to a law, can send it back to Parliament for reexamination within two weeks. If Parliament maintains the earlier adopted decision, the President must promulgate the law.