PAD suggests working out strategy for defending press
The Democratic Action Party (PAD) says the mass media in Moldova is attacked and subjected to intimidation. It suggests working out a national strategy for protecting and encouraging the development of media outlets with a special approach to the local mass media, guaranteeing thus free access to information for all the people and a plurality of opinion, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communiqué from the party.
As to the witnessed intimidations, the PAD gives as example the vandalizing of the Rezina-based television channel Elita TV, the accusation made against a journalist of Publika TV and the Broadcasting Coordination Council’s decision to withdraw the license of the TV channel NIT.
According to the PAD, the local media organizations are the most vulnerable to political and financial pressure. “It is evident that working in an isolated environment, with limited access to financing from advertising and low visibility at national and international levels, the local TV channels can be much easier made silent or subordinated to the obscure interests of influential persons,” reads the communiqué.
The PAD demands examining the situation in the broadcasting sector and holding parliamentary hearings within the responsible commissions or in the sittings of the legislature.