Over US$77,000 confiscated for state use

A sum of US$77,400 was confiscated for the state’s benefit because it wasn’t declared when crossing the border. The money was found on a man aged 50, who was to board the plane in Chisinau and fly to Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, IPN reports.

According to press office of the Border Police Daniela Manzatu, the man said the money was earned from trade activities performed outside the country and only 20% of it belonged to him. He also said that he didn’t know what amount can be taken over the border without being declared.

The money is to be transmitted to the State Tax Inspectorate.

The people who take goods, objects and other possessions in large quantities over Moldova’s border without declaring them face 3 to 10 years in jail. The punishment for legal entities is a fine of 100,000 to 200,000 lei and ban on performing particular activates or liquidation of the company.

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