Over half of energy consumed on Thursday produced in Moldova, the rest - imported

The electricity consumption of the Republic of Moldova for January 2 was fully covered. More than half of the required volume was covered from domestic sources. At the same time, the authorities announced that the necessary volume of electricity for the right bank was also secured for Friday, even if a 10% increase in consumption is estimated, IPN reports.

The Government's crisis cell said that on Thursday the energy produced in the country represented 51.78% of the total consumption: JSC "Termoelectrica" – 30.88%; renewable energy – 15.31%; SA "CET-Nord" – 4.43%; state-owned enterprise "NHE Costești" – 1.16%

At the same time, a volume of 48.22% was imported from Romania.

A 10% increase in electricity consumption is expected on Friday, and the authorities assured that JSC "Energocom" has already reserved sufficient commercial capacity at the border with Romania, to cover the consumption needs for January 3.

At the same time, the citizens are urged to consume energy efficiently and rationally, in particular, during peak hours 09:00-11:00 and 18:00-23:00, in order to further ensure the stability of the energy system.

"In both the natural gas sector and thermal energy sector, no damages or incidents were reported on January 2," reads a press release.

Starting with January 1, the right bank of the Nistru no longer receives energy from the Kuchurgan power plant. In the meantime, the MGRES plant switched over to coal and satisfies the electricity consumption needed by the Transnistrian region. The available coal stocks are enough for a period of 30 to 50 days.

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