Over 28,000 persons got vaccinated against COVID in municipal bus and trolleybus

Since the mobile bus and trolleybus COVID-19 vaccination units were set up in the municipality of Chisinau, over 28,000 persons got vaccinated there, acting head of the General Medical and Social Assistance Division Boris Gîlca stated in the ordinary meeting of officials of municipal services. He noted that the figure is significant.

Boris Gîlca said the two mobile units were launched on May 26, being an innovative project. Many criticized such a move, but this became a very successful vaccination project, the practice being replicated. The two units will continue work according to an extended program and will provide the citizens with all the available types of vaccine, IPN reports.

“The whole vaccination infrastructure in Chisinau works according to an extended program. The 70 vaccination units, the Municipal Vaccination Center and the two mobile units work daily and are visited by people. The number of vaccinated persons increased last week. This shows that the population becomes more informed and more responsible for the own health,” stated the functionary.

Simultaneously, the people can get a vaccine against seasonal flu at the municipal health facilities upon referral by the family doctor. The vaccine against influence and the vaccine against COVID-19 can be administered simultaneously, but in different anatomical places.

In another development, Boris Gîlca said that that the municipality of Chisinau continues to be on red alert. As many as 133,510 cases of COVID-19 and 2,451 associated deaths had been reported in the municipality by November 14. He said that even if the pressure on the hospital system has gradually decreased, 934 persons remain hospitalized in municipal health facilities. Of these, 62 are under intensive therapy.

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