Over 264,000 saplings to be planted on International Day of Forests

More than 264,000 young trees will be planted during March 19-26 within the activities that will be held to mark the International Day of Forests that is celebrated on March 21. There will be planted such species as oak, beech and linden trees, poplars and ashes, IPN reports.

According to the director of “Moldsilva” Forestry Agency Dumitru Cojocaru, the national tree planting campaign “Planting Forests, Saving Moldova” was planned as an eco-civic event that would help expand the country’s forested areas by 11%-15%. This year, the Agency intends to plant trees on an area of 1,134 ha.

Dumitru Cojocaru assured that through the agency of the subordinate forest companies, conditions will be created for all the public authorities and private individuals who want to take part in the planting campaign to be able to do this.

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