Over 1,600 films to be digitized with EU, U.S. support

State-of-the-art equipment will ensure the digitization of over 1,600 films from the Moldova Film archive, thanks to support provided by the European Union and the United States government.

The initiative to digitize the Moldova Film archive was selected for funding following a competition conducted by the EU Confidence Building Measures Program, implemented by UNDP, which included a consultative vote from the public.

“We are glad that we, the European Union, are able to contribute to harnessing the golden archives of the cinema of the Republic of Moldova, for the benefit of its citizens”, EU Ambassador Jānis Mažeiks was quoted in a UNDP press release as saying.

“For almost 70 years, Moldova Film has produced outstanding cinematographic works that represent the rich narrative tradition of Moldova and give us an idea of ​​the way Moldovans lived, worked and dreamed years ago,” stated Kent D. Logsdon, U.S. Ambassador to Moldova.

The digitization process has begun in 2021, with 10 fiction and 20 documentaries that have been screened on the TV channels Moldova 1 and Moldova 2. The first film to be digitized was the 1986 Cannes award-winning short “Haiducul”.

“Locally produced movies and animations are a wealth and an integral element of cultural heritage. Safekeeping them through their digitization is essential for maintaining this heritage and for inspiring the new generations to learn about the past generations as well sustain this important creative industry,” said Dima Al-Khatib, UNDP Resident Representative to Moldova.

Over a period of seven decades, Moldova Film has gathered a collection of more than 1,600 films that are considered national heritage.

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