Over 100 companies took part in missions staged by Moldova-China CCI

The Moldova-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) this year has organized the participation of over 100 Moldovan companies in economic missions to different events and exhibitions in China. For 2024, the Chamber aims to invite as many Chinese companies as possible to invest in Moldova. Related issues were discussed in a forum centering on the fifth anniversary of the Moldova-China CCI and the development of the economic relations between China and Moldova, IPN reports.

The Chamber’s president Boris Foca said that during the five years of work, they witnessed good and less good periods, primarily during the COVID-19 pandemic and the post-pandemic period. “For the Chamber of Commerce, the year has been rather intricate. It was a year when, after the stupor during the pandemic, with over 100 companies, we managed to organize economic missions to China. We also managed to welcome today a Chinese delegation that is interested in purchasing products from the Republic of Moldova,” stated Boris Foca.

According to him, the Moldova-China CCI, which is a business institution formed of companies, has made effort to reduce the number of intermediaries in the work of small and medium-sized businesses, to ensure lower prices, to grow consumption and to bring stability in Moldova’s economy. Next year, the Chamber’s work will be based on excellence and result.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova Sergiu Harea said that their institution founds bilateral chambers and it founded the Moldova-China CCI five years ago, given the importance of cooperation between the two countries and the important role played by China in international trade and bilateral cooperation. “Bilateral trade exceeds US$1 billion, but the knowledge investment that China can make in the development of the economy of the Republic of Moldova is as important,” stated Sergiu Harea.


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