One million lei for Chisinau flowers

This year, one million lei could be spent on flower planting, should the Municipality approve the funding of Green Spaces Association’s project, Info-Prim Neo reports. Eliferi Haruta, head of the institution, told Info-Prim Neo a large diversity of flowers would be planted, including petunia, begonia, ageratum and salvia. The planting should begin in May. Meanwhile, roses must be trimmed in March. No trees will be planted this spring, as this has been delayed until autumn. Last year, the National Land Greening Day was shifted from the first Saturday of April to the last Saturday of October through presidential decree. The Green Spaces chief said that 250 employees were working daily on trimming and clearing trees. Most of the timber is sold, while the rest becomes garbage. The Green Spaces Association has 600 workers, 330 of which are engaged in “greening” the capital.

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