Official reserve assets on the rise in July

At the end of July official reserve assets totaled $ 2.952 billion, by $ 38.21 million more as compared to June 28, reported the National Bank of Moldova.

The increase in official reserve assets was due to the net inflows related to the foreign currency reserve requirements of the licensed banks - $ 36.71 million, as well as to the net interventions on the internal currency market in the form of currency purchases - $ 23.04 million. Other factors include the registration of funds in favor of the Ministry of Finance received from the European Commission in the form of grants - $ 16.20 million, and the registration of credits and grants in favor of the Ministry of Finance for investment projects - $ 6.09 million.

The increase was also determined by the revenues from the management of foreign exchange reserves - $ 4.41 million and by the net income in the account of the Credit Line Directorate: $ 0.39 million.

At the same time, during the reporting period, the decrease of the official reserve assets was determined by the depreciation of the exchange rates of the component currencies of the foreign reserves in relation to the US dollar: 27.04 million dollars. It is also about the payments related to the external public debt service of the Republic of Moldova - $ 13.28 million and the payments of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova - $ 6.50 million. The reassessment of the securities held in the investment portfolio constituted $ 0.71 million, other net outflows - $ 1.10 million.

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