Official reserve assets drop to $5.2 billion

At the end of November, Moldova's official reserve assets amounted to $5,281.02 million, marking a decrease of $318.85 million compared to October 31, when they totaled $5,599.87 million, IPN reports.

The National Bank of Moldova attributes the decline in reserve assets primarily to foreign currency sale interventions amounting to $154.10 million. Net outflows related to licensed banks' foreign currency reserve requirements accounted for $84.59 million. Additionally, the depreciation of exchange rates of the reserve currencies against the US dollar contributed $62.93 million to the reduction.

On the other hand, during the reporting period, certain factors contributed to an increase in official reserve assets. These included income from the management of foreign currency reserves, amounting to $17.65 million, and loans for investment projects recorded in favor of the Ministry of Finance, totaling $7.04 million.

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