Number of victims of work accidents goes down

The number of persons hurt in accidents at work has decreased over the last several years. According to the Labor Inspectorate, the number of accidents fell d by about 200 persons compared with 2007, but remains significant.

Contacted by IPN, the head of the Labor Inspectorate Dumitru Stavila said that the Inspectorate last year examined 97 accidents at work, 30 of which ended in death. “The fall from height, the fall on the same level and road accidents are the most frequent work accidents,” said the expert.

According to the Labor Inspectorate, 55% of the total number of accidents are the full or partial blame of the employer, while 45% are blamed on those who perform the works. Most of the accidents happen in agriculture, processing industry and the construction sector, while most of the victims are aged between 40 and 50.

Dumitru Stavila said that when the accidents are blamed on the employer or are a common blame, the employer must provide damages to the employee. “In such cases, the employer covers the costs of treatment until the work capacity is recovered. If the work capacity is lost, the employer pays an allowance. In case of death, the employer pays a lump sum to the family equal to the average annual salary of the person who died,” he stated.

Trade unionists all over the world mark the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28. On this occasion, the Labor Inspectorate will have meetings with specialists from the field.

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