Number of marriages declined compared with 2019

As many as 20,300 marriages were recorded last year, by 0.5% fewer than in 2018. The nuptiality rate was 7.6 marriages per 1,000 people, IPN reports, quoting the National Bureau of Statistics.

The marriages involving woman aged between 20 and 24 represented 43.8% of the marriages registered in 2019. In the case of men, 36.5% of the marriages involved men aged between 25 and 29.

A number of 10,700 divorces were registered last year, the figures remaining rather high during the last few years. The divorciality rate was 4 divorces per 1,000 people.

The average age of divorcing men and women was higher given that the early marriages decreased in number. The average age of divorcing men was 40 years, while of divorcing women was 36.9 years for 2019.

In 2019, the divorces ended after a marriage shorter than five years represented 25.7%. 24.8% of the couples divorced after a marriage of 5-9 years. The average length of a marriage ended by divorce was 11 years.

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