Number of children born out of wedlock is rising

The number of children born out of wedlock in Moldova is growing. Young women who are economically dependent as well as women who chose concubinage are responsible for this growth. The conclusion was published in the 8th edition of the Social Monitor, under the title “Children born out of wedlock: realities and consequences”, presented on Tuesday, June 28, Info-Prim Neo reports. The study author, Olga Gagauz, IDIS Viitorul expert and doctor of Sociology, mentioned that over the last 30 years, the number of children born outside marriage tripled, while concubinage was getting more and more commonly accepted. Until 2000, such births were specific for cities. However, their number decreased to 19% in 2010. Meanwhile, in the last 5 years, 25% of babies in villages were born out of wedlock. According to the expert, women aged under 20 account for most births outside marriage. The main cause is the lack of sexual education. A way of preventing unwanted pregnancy is education focused on family planning and methods of contraception, especially in villages. The study recommends the development of community services for single mothers, such as family support services, reintegration of the child in the family, psychological and medical assistance, counseling for a job, etc. The number of places in maternity centers should be increased as well. These are institutions that house for up to 6 months pregnant women in the last trimester of pregnancy and mothers who were forced to leave their houses or even don’t have one. According to the report, 9,063 (22.4%) of the 40,474 births in 2010 were out of wedlock.
  • olga gagauz despre recomandarile studiului.mp3
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