Novac: Moldova can become competitive hub for sustainable industry by boosting net-zero industries

By stimulating net-zero production industries, Moldova can position itself as a competitive hub for sustainable industry, prioritizing domestic and foreign investments in renewable energy technologies, green supply chains and innovative climate solutions. State Secretary of the Energy Ministry, Carolina Novac, made statements in this regard at the bilateral screening session on the "Free Movement of Goods" held in Brussels, IPN reports.

The Republic of Moldova aims to introduce by 2030 a specific legal framework for the transposition of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of the EU, which establishes a framework of concrete measures to strengthen the technologies for the manufacture of net zero emission products in the EU area.

In addition, by 2030, Moldova aims to increase the use of renewable energy and battery energy storage solutions, implement state aid schemes for investments in the industrial sector with a focus on net-zero technologies, and develop research and development capacities.

During the screening session, the State Secretary emphasized that the National Center for Sustainable Energy is continuously working to raise awareness so that consumers know how to read and identify the eco-design specifications of a product and know how to make the right choice of energy efficient products.

According to Caroline Novac, there is an ongoing effort in the field of eco-design to ensure that all the requirements of the EU Eco-design Directive for energy-related products are met, and the Republic of Moldova is fully aligned to make the necessary effort to implement the EU recommendations and raise awareness among citizens about energy-efficient products.

The EU Ecodesign Directive stimulates the market by banning the least energy-efficient products, while the Energy Labeling Directive encourages consumers to purchase more energy-efficient products by informing them about their energy consumption through a label.

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