Notaries to be empowered to handle divorce proceedings

The divorce proceedings could also be managed by notaries if the couples do not have minor children and disputes about the division of property. The Cabinet on November 15 approved the draft law on the notarial procedure proposed by the Ministry of Justice, IPN reports.

According to the Ministry, the measure will contribute to reducing the number of civil lawsuits in courts and will diminish the costs incurred by parties as these will resort to notarial procedures.

The powers of notaries will be widened. These will be able to access and make records in public registers, exempting the people from presenting particular civil status documents, documents from the real estate register, transport register and others.

The law on the notarial procedure lays down new rules, correlated with the Civil Code, concerning the handling of the successor procedure as the classes of heirs in the case of inheritance were changed. There was instituted a period of three months for renouncing inheritance and are stipulated different terms and options and new subjects.

The changes will take effect when they are adopted by Parliament and published in the Official Gazette.

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