No violations or incidents reported in CMC vote recount

The recounting of votes cast in the June 5 elections for the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) has been completed in all 300 polling stations in the municipality, and the process unfolded without any violations or incidents, Chisinau Election Council chairman Iulian Balan has told Info-Prim Neo. The results will be announced on Friday, July 1. After the recount, the bags containing the ballots will be transferred for safekeeping to the Centru District Court and the count protocols will be transmitted to the Central Election Commission for consideration. Over 1 million lei will be disbursed from the budget to pay those involved in the recount. The votes for the CMC were recounted at the request of the Liberal Party, which contested the outcome, citing counting errors. According to the original results, in the June 5 elections the Communist Party polled 46.11% of the vote, which translates into 26 councilor's seats in the 51-member CMC; the Liberal Party 31.82%, or 17 seats; the Liberal-Democratic Party 13.99%, or 7 seats; and the Democratic Party 3.13%, or one seat.

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