Nine persons arrested during anticorruption operation at Otaci customs post

Three customs inspectors, four border police officers and two bus drivers were arrested by officers of the National Anticorruption Center and anticorruption prosecutors within an operation carried out at the Otraci customs post. These are suspected of illegally collecting payments from persons who crossed the border, their actions being classed as passive corruption, IPN reports.

In a press release, the National Anticorruption Center says the preliminary investigations showed those arrested accepted and received different sums of money from bus and minibus drivers who transported passengers from Moldova to Russia and other countries on international routes.

During searches at the customs post, money was identified in functionaries’ service booths and was confiscated. Searches were also carried out at the homes of the suspects.

The nine persons will be held on remain for 72 hours and are investigated for passive corruption. The operation goes on.

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