Nicolae Timofti promulgates Education Code

President Nicolae Timofti has promulgated the Education Code. The document will take effect 30 days after it is published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports.

According to the presidential press service, the document worked out by the Ministry of Education represents the fundamental normative-legislative framework in the area of education of all levels, which regulates the functioning and legal relations in the national education system. The Code replaces the Education Law adopted in 1995.

The Education Code has several key objectives: to assess the quality in education; to ensure connection with the labor market and to reconstruct the education system so as to ensure cost-efficient education services of a high quality. The Code was devised as a result of a broad participative process that involved beneficiaries of the education system, experts in the field, representatives of the academic and business communities, of media outlets and the general public. More than 40 public debates were held for the purpose.

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