New searches in case of illegal financing of parties close to Shor

Law enforcement officers carried out searches in a case of money laundering and illegal financing of political parties close to fugitive politician Ilan Shor. The raids in a suburban settlement of Chisinau municipality target a group of people involved in electoral corruption in last autumn's elections, IPN reports.

The General Police Inspectorate said that a number of technical devices for storing data and documents relevant to the criminal case were seized. Following the procedural actions, it was established that the recipients of the money are members of primary local organizations of particular political parties working in Moldova.

They were allegedly remunerated monthly from unclear sources for activities aimed at influencing people to vote in the referendum in a particular way, but also to vote in the presidential election for a candidate who was to be announced by members of the "Chance" Party or those of the “Victory” Bloc the day before the election day. The money was also offered for distributing leaflets with manipulative messages, participating in rallies, flashmob meetings and protests.

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