New legislative package to strengthen the protection of girls and women, announced by the deputies' platform

The duration of the protection order for female victims will be extended. Likewise, the emergency restraining order for aggressors will also be prolonged. These measures are part of a new legislative package aimed at enhancing the safety and protection of women and girls in the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports.

"For the protection order, we propose extending the duration from 3 months to 6 months. For the emergency restraining order, we suggest increasing the period from 10 to 20 days," stated the Vice President of Parliament, Doina Gherman, during an event presenting the legislative package.

Furthermore, violence against women through information technology or electronic communication will be penalized, and women subjected to digital violence will be able to obtain protective measures.

Another key aspect concerns the concept of femicide, which was introduced into national legislation last summer.

"We are advancing with the criminalization of femicide. Including the concept of femicide as one of the most severe forms of violence against women in the legislation of the Republic of Moldova ensures the highest level of protection for women," said Doina Gherman.

The legislative package was announced by the Deputies' Platform in Parliament, together with the National Agency for the Prevention and Combatting of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, ahead of International Women's Day.

"The extension of protection periods and the criminalization of femicide are essential measures to ensure more effective protection for women. It is crucial that these laws are implemented efficiently to bring real change and provide safety for victims," stated Viorica Țîmbalari, head of the National Agency for the Prevention and Combatting of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence.

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