New director appointed at CFM

The state-owned enterprise Moldova’s Railways (CFM) has a new director. This is Sergiu Cotelnic, Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development Vladimir Bolea announced, quoted by IPN.

Vladimir Bolea said that the former director, Serghei Tomșa, resigned from his position for health reasons, but will further serve as deputy director.

Sergiu Cotelnic's candidacy was proposed by the CFM unions.

"Sergiu Cotelnic is a CFM worker. He comes from an established family that also worked at CFM. He comes from the system, with a new vision, with character, with will, with the possibility and with the desire to work for the benefit of the people," said Vladimir Bolea.

The company is facing a difficult economic situation, with salary arrears of over 191 million lei, according to railway workers' union leaders. CFM employees mounted a number of protests and planned a new demonstration for Friday, March 14.

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