Network of para-jurists works in rural areas of Moldova

The Soros Foundation Moldova during three years has implemented a network of para-jurists in Moldova’s rural areas, program director at Soros Foundation Moldova Victor Munteanu said in the program “Place for dialogue” on Radio Moldova station, IPN reports.

Victor Munteanu noted that the project is aimed at ensuring access to legal information for the people from villages. “Those from villages do not have access to information. They often do not have money to ask for legal advice or simply cannot go to the district center for consultancy. The para-jurists advise them how to act in certain situations, where and how to seek help when their rights are violated,” he stated.

A network of 30 community para-jurists from different rural areas of Moldova works within the project. “It’s not mandatory for a para-jurist to exist in every village as one para-jurist serves several settlements located close to each other,” explained Victor Munteanu.

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