Nemerenco about girl who fell from height: She was left unsupervised

Minister of Health Ala Nemerenco said that the 16-year-old teenager, found with multiple injuries in the courtyard of the Mother and Child Institute, was left unsupervised although her medical condition required special attention, IPN reports.

"I asked for explanations as to why a child with a rather complicated diagnosis was left without supervision," the minister said, adding that this situation will not remain without consequences and that penalties will be imposed.

Ala Nemerenco also said that an interdisciplinary council of cardiologists, neurosurgeons, pediatricians and professors was constituted. The teenager underwent an operation as she suffered a fracture to two vertebrae in the thorax.

The minister noted that there are doubts about the height from which the teenager fell, noting that the injuries suffered do not correspond to a fall from the fifth floor. "It is necessary to wait for the conclusions of the police," stressed Nemerenco.

Contacted by IPN for details, spokesman for the Mother and Child Institute Maxim Cazacu said that the teenager was transferred to the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery for specialized medical care. "During the transfer, the patient's condition was serious, but stable."

The 16-year-old girl with neurological disorders, who was receiving treatment at the Mother and Child Institute, on the morning of March 17 was found outside the institution, with multiple injuries that were apparently received as a result of a fall from a height.

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