Natural gas consumption this January up 61% on last January

The volume of natural gas consumed in January this year was 154.6 million cubic meters, which is by 60.8% more than in the corresponding period of 2023. Compared to December 2023, the figure grew by 16.8 million cubic meters or 12.2%, IPN reports.

According to the Public Relations Service of Moldovagaz, household consumers paid 98% of the amounts invoiced in 2023 by January 31, 2024.

During the reference period, 345 consumption units were disconnected from the natural gas distribution network, the debts of their owners amounting to about 1.8 million lei. The condition of earlier payment was applied to 169 consumers as a consequence of the previous cessation of natural gas supply for failure to pay in due time the equivalent value of the consumed natural gas.

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