Starting with January 1, the national minimum salary is 5,500 lei per month, which is by 500 lei more compared to 2024. It is paid for a full work schedule of 169 hours, which means 32.54 lei per hour, IPN reports.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection said that the 10% increase is meant to ensure a decent remuneration for employees in various sectors and to support the reduction of poverty and undeclared work. "The increase in the minimum salary will contribute to maintaining the purchasing power and improving living conditions for all citizens," said the institution.
The amount of the average monthly salary in the economy, forecast for 2025, is 16,100 lei, up 2,500 lei from 13,600 lei. According to the Ministry, the size of the forecasted average monthly salary in the economy is used to determine the ceiling of the calculation base of social security contributions and allowances and the insured monthly income of employees, residents of IT parks and for other important economic calculations.
Before the approval of the Budget Law for 2025, the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova organized a number of protests in front of state institutions. Trade unionists asked to set the national minimum salary in the amount of 6,000 lei starting with January 1 and to use it in planning the state budget expenditure for 2025.
According to the Confederation, in 2024, the ratio of the national minimum salary to the average monthly salary in the economy, forecast for 2024, was 36.5%. With its approval in the amount of 5,500 lei, it decreased to only 34.2% against the average monthly salary in the economy of 16,100 lei, forecast for 2025.