National Integrity Authority offers consultancy by phone this weekend

The National Integrity Authority (NIA) will have an additional work program this weekend in connection with the submission of declarations of assets and personal interests, IPN reports.

The Authority noted that, in order to succeed in counseling and guiding all the declaration objects that face problems in the correct and full completion of the declarations of assets and personal interests, a group of NIA representatives will provide consultancy by phone on March 29 and 30, between 08:00 a.m. and 05:00 p.m.

On March 29, NIA representatives will offer expert advice on the following telephone numbers: 022-820-696, 022-820-636, 022-820-699, 022-820-693, 022-820-684, while on March 30 – on 022-820-697, 022-820-698, 022-820-606, 022-820-624, 022-820-607.

March 31 is the deadline for submitting the annual declarations of assets and personal interests.

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