National Hospital will have new urological surgery and kidney transplant ward

The new surgical block of the National Clinical Hospital will include a urological surgery and kidney transplant ward outfitted with modern Japanese equipment. Also, there will be opened an endourological ward with three rooms with Austrian tools and equipment, Minister of Health Andrei Usatyi announced in the sixth National Urology, Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Congress, IPN reports.

The minister said that urolithiasis is the most spread kidney disease so that special attention will be paid to its treatment in modern conditions.

For the purpose, a number of doctors of the National Clinical Hospital benefitted from internship in Austria, where they learned the most modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases, by endoscopy and laporoscopy. A public-private partnership on dialysis is being developed at the Hospital, where there will be set up a new ward with 50 modern hemodialysis devices.

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