Natalia Gavrilița: Reports of my leaving are exaggerated

As long as I can contribute to the alleviation of the effects of the crisis, I will make every effort, Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița said when, following reports that presidential adviser Dorin Recean is likely to take over as Premier, she was asked if she intends to resign. The Premier noted that the current composition of the Cabinet will be reorganized and government reshuffles will take place by the end of September, IPN reports.

Natalia Gavrilița said Iuliana Cantaragiu resigned as minister of environment not because she lacks professionalism or integrity. The composition of the current government team necessitates changes so as to better cope with the crises experienced by the country.

“The Government with which I came at the start of my tenure consists of upright professionals who, when they accepted the post, didn’t necessarily expect such circumstances, such overlapping crises that require an urgent response. Let’s think about a person who has a view on the environmental sector where we speak about development for 30-50 years in the future. Even if there is a good specialist, this cannot always be a crisis manager who succeeds in implementing a program for supplying the citizens with wood, for example. I see this reshuffle as a situation in a football team: when a player is tired, this is changed. This way we give a new impetus to the sector,” Natalia Gavrilița stated in the talk show “Black Box” on TV8 channel.

The official made it clear that the minister of environment didn’t manage appropriately the provision of citizens with firewood. She said the new minister of environment will be announced soon, but avoided giving names.

“There were mistakes, faults in communication as regards the actions of Moldsilva over the supply of firewood. This is not a trivial subject. We have 658,000 families that use wood for home heating. I had a discussion with Missis Cantaragiu. The decision to resign was taken by her. I considered the resignation should be accepted. Missies Cantaragiu will yet hold the post on an interim basis. We have a number of candidates and will soon make public the name of the new minister,” stated the Premier.

Natalia Gavrilița noted the Cabinet reshuffles do not stop here and several more ministers and agency heads will be replaced by the end of this month so that the Executive enters the cold period with a renewed composition.

“We need a breath of fresh air. Since I took up my duties, I have heard rumors about my leaving and I will respond in the style of Mark Twain who said: “the reports of my leaving are exaggerated”. I wasn’t born to hold the post of Premier and do not stick to it for the sake of the position. But as long as I can contribute to the alleviation of the effects of the crisis together with the team, I will do my best,” stated the official.

The Cabinet led by Natalia Gavrilița was invested on August 6, 2021 by the votes of 61 PAS MPs.

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