Municipal Youth Council of Chisinau re-launched

The Municipal Youth Council of Chisinau – a body for the representation of young people in the relations with the public administration – was re-launched on August 3 during the meeting of 11 councils and two local working groups based in Chisinau. The participants approved the Council’s regulations and chose the administration board.

In a news conference at IPN, Silvia Bogonovschi, president of the Municipal Youth Council of Chisinau, said the councils are independent, autonomous and apolitical youth representation bodies. The Municipal Youth Council of Chisinau represents the interests of all the young people of the municipality.

Dan Ţurcan, vice presidents of the Municipal Youth Council of Chisinau, said they aim to work out a fruitful cooperation agreement with the Chisinau Municipal Council and also with the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport. “For the purpose, the Municipal Youth Council set the following objectives: the young people should be first of all consulted by polls; secondly, the Council wants to become an umbrella for all the other local councils and to consolidate them,” stated Dan Ţurcan.

He noted that the municipality of Chisinau consists of 18 suburban settlements and five districts and the Council aims to consolidate the local youth councils in each locality and to cooperate with other representative youth bodies, such as lyceum senates and student trade unions.

The Council’s secretary general Denis Sava presented the results of a poll carried out among young people from Chisinau for 2019. According to this, over 1,400 young people said that they are almost not involved in the decision-making process at their place of birth. 30% said they never took part in decision-making, while 23% said they seldom took part. Also, 13% said they seldom and only 9% said they often took part in this process.

The respondents also said that the local public authorities should promote the involvement of young people in the decision-making process and 86% of them said it is very important to ensure the young people’s participation in the decision-making process.

The Council’s vice president Oxana Bordian said that critical thinking and skills that would help them take decisions should be developed among the young people. “According to statistics, an increasing number of young people leave Moldova annually. We aim to persuade the young people to stay at home, but they need conditions for the purpose. We want to create these conditions so that we develop a more prosperous society with efficient young people,” stated the young woman.

The Municipal Youth Council of Chisinau worked earlier too, during four years. In 2019, it ceased operation following the launch of the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center. Through the re-launch, the Municipal Youth Council of Chisinau resumes its main activity – involvement of the young people in the decision-making process.

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