More persons poison by fresh mushrooms

Five members of a family, including a five-year-old boy, were admitted to the hospital with mushroom poisoning. Silvia Babara, coordinating doctor at the Chisinau Ambulance Service, said the family living in Durlesti town ate mushrooms gathered in the wood, Info-Prim Neo reports. At least ten cases of mushroom poisoning were recorded during one day, Silvia Babara said. A child aged four was subjected to gastric lavage after he took an overdose of vitamin pills. A woman, 26, who came from Anenii Noi to the Central Market in Chisinau, suffered sunstroke. She received first aid on the spot and did not need hospitalization. The fourth child of a family from Colonita village was born at home. The baby girl and the mother were taken to the maternity hospital. The Chisinau Ambulance Service yesterday and last night dealt with 137 cases of heart trouble, 63 cases of trauma, 67 cases of acute viral infection, 25 deliveries, eight strokes and other cases.

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