More grant funding for a drinking water supply project

The Ministry of Finance, the municipality of Cahul and the Development Bank of Germany (KfW) signed an additional agreement for implementing the grant and project “EU for Moldova: Clean Water for Cahul” to the value of €2.77 million, IPN reports.

In a press release, the Ministry of Finance said the agreement is designed to co-finance the Water Supply and Sewerage in Cahul District Project that is financed based on the agreement signed by KfW, the Republic of Moldova and the municipality of Cahul on August 1, 2018. Under this, KfW offered the Republic of Moldova €23.5 million in grant funding, with the sum being later supplemented by the EU with €10.12 million.

As part of the project, the water supply and sewage infrastructure in Cahul district will be rehabilitated and extended.

With this additional financing, the budget of the project will total €36.4 million in grant funding, with €12.9 million being the European Union’s contribution.

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