Those wishing to financially support general education institutions in Moldova can do so using the government's electronic payment service, MPay. According to the Ministry of Education and Research, 67 educational institutions are already connected to the service and can receive donations, while another 50 are in the process of being connected, IPN reports.
The ministry states that MPay is a secure and efficient electronic system that ensures transparency and proper use of funds. The donated amounts are collected in a special treasury account of the beneficiary institution and can be used for improving material resources and continuous teacher training.
Schools receiving donations will publish semi-annual reports on the use of funds, either on their official websites or on information boards within the institutions. Additionally, each donation will be documented and managed in accordance with current regulations.
The Ministry of Education and Research confirms that the list of institutions connected to MPay is regularly updated, and any other interested school can request connection by following the steps outlined in the "Guidelines for Using Financial Donations for Preschool, Primary, and Secondary (Cycle I and II) Educational Institutions." Individuals can check the list of schools already connected to MPay or learn how to support an educational institution.