Moldovans ready to spend 1,000 to 5,000 lei on Christmas meal

Most of the Moldovans do not plan to spend money on holiday decorations, trees, baubles and other accessories. At least that's what an iData survey shows. Those who are willing to cover such expenses are ready to take out of their pockets an average of 1,112 lei, IPN reports.

As for gifts, the figures look different. The average amount that Moldovans plan to spend is 2,144 lei. A third of respondents, however, say that they do not plan to buy gifts.

For the Christmas meal, which is a moment of reunion with family and loved ones, Moldovans are ready to allocate between 1,000 and 5000 lei, an amount that is also valid for the New Year's Eve dinner.

Young people aged 18 to 29 are ready to spend an average of 7,800 lei for the holidays, while those aged 67+ - only around 3,300 lei.

Christmas celebrated on January 7 according to the Julian calendar is more popular among Moldovans than Christmas marked on December 25 under the Gregorian calendar. However, New Year's Eve remains most popular holiday. 94% of the respondents of the iData survey celebrate it.

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