Moldovan companies invited to international exhibitions in China

A series of world-class exhibitions will take place in China this spring and companies and entrepreneurs from the Republic of Moldova can participate in them. Details on the organization of the events were provided in a news conference at IPN by Boris Foca, president of the Moldova-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The Canton Fair is one of the world's largest exhibitions, with a tradition of almost 80 years. It takes place twice a year and has already reached its 137th edition.

"It is an exhibition recommended to everyone for the reason that it is not unidimensional and a number of industries are combined there. The exhibition is held during three consecutive weeks specifically to cover the entire spectrum of products of the economy," said Boris Foca.

The Canton Fair exhibition will be held from April 15 to 19. At the first stage, there will be a series of subfields, such as electronics, electric cars, everything related to electricity, light, computers, agriculture, gardening, the segment of production machinery.

"It is one of the most accessed phases. 12 companies from Moldova were already registered as participants and companies from Romania will go with us," noted Boris Foca.

The second stage of the event will take place during April 23-27, where goods for the home, interior, exterior, gifts and decorations, furniture and everything related to building materials will be presented.

The third phase is announced for May 1 to 5 and will include products for children and mothers, toys, clothing and footwear, textiles, as well as health and recreation products.

The Moldova-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry offers a package of services at each exhibition. A person from the institution will head the delegation and will lead the group in order to help them with particular processes or difficulties.

Note: IPN Agency offers the right to reply to people who consider themselves concerned in the news made from the statements made by the organizers of this press conference, including by facilitating the organization of another press conference under similar conditions.

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