The Border Police of Moldova has launched the new Deontological Code of its employees. According to the Head of the EUBAM Mission Francesco Bastagli, who took part in the presentation of the book, this code is an important step towards an approach centering on the people and an improved service culture. The Border Police director Dorin Purice stated that this code will help raise awareness of the necessity of an integral service, IPN reports.
The EUBAM played a constructive role during the implementation of the project and encouraged open communication on the new standards. In order to support this project in continuation, the mission published a brochure on the new Deontological Code for the Border Police personnel and contributed to publishing informational materials intended for the general public. There were published 3,500 copies of the Deontological Code that will be distributed to all the border police officers. The brochures printed together with the code will be distributed to passersby.
“By this code, we offer additional instruments to our employees, our institution and the community we serve. We will be able to assess the behavior and to come closer to the EU border management standards,” stated Dorin Purice.
“It is important that this code should not be only a brochure kept in the pocket. It represents a set of values and practices that must be followed efficiently and disseminated among those involved. Acting so, the Border Police of Moldova ensures better cooperation with the general public and provides services of a higher quality,” said Francesco Bastagli.
Besides the publication of the code and brochures, the EUBAM also helped put up posters with green and red anticorruption telephone lines at all the border crossing points of Moldova.
The EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) was launched in 2005 to make a sustainable contribution to the development of border-management procedures that meet European Union standards and serve the legitimate needs of Moldovan and Ukrainian citizens, travelers, and trade, which in turn enhances regional security and supports economic development.