“Moldovagaz” to cover losses sustained in 2013 with future incomes

The general assembly of shareholders of “Moldovagaz” decided to cover the losses sustained by the company last year with the incomes that will be earned the next years. The decision was taken in the annual ordinary general assembly on May 26, IPN reports.

According to a communiqué of the company, SA “Moldovagaz” chose the international company ICS “PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit” SRL to perform the audit in 2014.

The assembly elected the new members of the Censors Commission and the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board includes: vice president of the Administration Board of SAD “Gazprom” Valery Golubev; Deputy Minister of Economy Tudor Copaci; head of the Legal Department of SAD “Gazprom“ Nicolai Dubic; director of the Representative Office of SAD “Gazprom” in Moldova Gennady Abashkin; head of the Division for Cooperation with the CIS Countries of SAD “Gazprom” Victor Valov, and the head of the General Security and Energy Efficiency of the Ministry of Economy Mariana Botezatu.

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