Moldova, Russia to negotiate mechanism for preventing and fighting illegal migration

The Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of Russia will negotiate an agreement on the readmission of persons who stay illegally on the territory of the two states and the protocol for implementing this. The Cabinet of Moldova empowered an official delegation to do this, IPN reports.

The delegation will consist of the secretary of state at the Ministry of the Interior Alexandru Larionov, who will head this, head of the Ministry’s International Cooperation Division Petru Turcan, director of the Migration and Asylum Bureau Olga Poalelungi and adviser of the Bilateral Treaties Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Victor Martin.

The Moldovan delegation intends to propose a supplement to the text of the agreement that was preliminarily agreed with the Russia side. Under this, the citizens staying illegally will be offered a period of 60 days of the ascertaining of this situation to clarify their status. This can be done, for example, by obtaining a work contract that would enable them to stay legally on the territory of the signatory parties.

The signing of the agreement and of the protocol for implementing this will enable to establish a mechanism for preventing and fighting illegal migration and to ensure a swift exchange of information between the sides on the issue.

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