A group of justice experts who are members of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice recommended Moldova to raise the budget allocations intended for educating the judges and ancillary staff. The experts produced a report on the efficiency of justice and the judicial system of Moldova and the other EaP countries, which will be presented on November 19. The reforms done during the last two years weren’t taken into account, IPN reports.
According to a communiqué of the Ministry of Justice, among the most important findings is the fact that in 2012 Moldova saw an improvement as regards the period of time needed for passing judgments on civil cases. However, deviations were identified in the passing of decisions on criminal cases. The experts said that such irregularities were discovered in most of the EaP countries that were monitored, not only in Moldova. In this respect, they recommended employing new staff and amending the legislation in the field.
The experts said that Moldova and Armenia are considered as models as regards the efficient administration of the budget of a court of law. This model of self-government is widely promoted by the Europeans because it stimulates the court’s independence and performance. The report also says that the 2012 budget for the judicial system, the prosecution service and free legal aid in Moldova met the relevant European parameters. But it is recommended to determine the budget for every court of law depending on necessities and the case variation index.
The whole report will be presented within a common seminar of the EU and EaP member states on November 19. The report for 2013-2014 will be made public in 2016.