Moldova ready to cope with heavy precipitation from Ukraine

Moldova is ready to cope with the heavy precipitation that fell in Ukraine. According to Ion Cuceinic, of Moldova’s Water Agency, the flow of water on the Nistru River is being monitored, while the barrage in Dnestrovsc has an available storage space of 1.5 meters, IPN reports.

The level of water in the Nistru does not pose flooding threats to the population. If a flood results from the precipitation that fell in Ukraine, the water reservoirs in Dubasari and Dnestrovsc will cope with the situation.

”We haven’t yet received information about the degree of moisture in the layer of snow from the hydrometeorological service of Ukraine, but we think there will be no danger as the reservoirs can take in more water. In Dnestrovsc, we can collect 200 million cubic meters of water. Furthermore, the snow will melt not suddenly. A part of the water will be absorbed by the soil. We will not face problems if there is no heavy rain in the Carpathian region,” said Ion Cuceinic.

The flow capacity on the Nistru on March 26 was 700 cubic meters per second.

Earlier this week, the director of SA Apa-Canal Chisinau Constantin Becciev said that the level of water in the Nistru was 12 meters in parts and there was a danger of floods.

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