Moldova is halfway through the bilateral screening process

The Republic of Moldova has reached the half-way point in the bilateral screening process as part of the EU accession negotiations. Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov has announced about this, saying that in just 9 months, the authorities have managed to go through the first three clusters, which is due to the joint contribution, IPN reports.

"The decisions and transformations that we make in the country and which are aimed at raising the living standards of citizens, we make together with civil society, business and academia," Cristina Gherasimov told the 15th meeting of the EU-Moldova Civil Society Platform.

The Deputy Prime Minister reviewed the achievements of the last period and thanked civil society organizations for their involvement. According to her, their expertise helps the teams involved in the screening process to better prepare, present the institutions and the country at the highest level in Brussels.

The official also referred to priorities for the near future, including the opening this week of a new group of chapters.

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