Modern lab for determining pesticide residues inaugurated in Chisinau

A last-generation laboratory for determining the pesticide residues in plants, soil and products of vegetal origin was opened today at the Product Quarantine, Identification, Arbitration Expertise and Disinfection in Chisinau, IPN reports.

The Center’s director general Nicanor Cernautean said that the bought equipment to the value of €300,000 will enable to identify up to 250 types of pesticides. In order to use the equipment to full capacity, a chromatographic liquid is needed. Without it, only 39 types of pesticides can be detected. The tests last for two days.  

Director general of the National Food Safety Agency Ion Sula said that similar labs work in Cahul and Balti, but they are not so modern. Vegetal product inspection points are to be set up at the border, in Giurgiulesti, Cahul, Leuseni, and Tudora. They will be connected to the Chisinau lab.

The Government of Romania allocated €300,000 for outfitting the lab. Romanian Ambassador in Chisinau Marius Lazurca said the support does not end here. Romania helped Moldova to adjust its legislative framework in this field to the European laws and became involved in the training of specialists. “It is important for the foods consumed in Moldova not to contain toxic residues. The products could be exported to markets with the harshest requirements, including the EU,” stated the diplomat.

Norway contributed €400,000 to setting up the lab in Chisinau. The chromatographic liquid will be bought with this money.

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