Minors in remand detention at Penitentiary No. 13 to be transferred to Penitentiary No.10-Goian

The minors and young people who are held on remand at Penitentiary No. 13 will be transferred to Penitentiary No.10-Goian. The Ministry of Justice suggests that the transfer should take place in stages, starting with March. The minors will be transferred the first, followed by the persons under 23, IPN reports.

The transfer of minors and young people from Penitentiary No. 13 to Penitentiary No.10-Goian – the Detention Center for Minors and Young People – was discussed in a working meeting at the Ministry of Justice. Secretary of state Nadejda Burciu said the discussions on such a move started back in 2011, but nothing has been yet done for particular reasons.

“Financial resources have been invested in the period and effort has been made to improve the detention conditions for minors and to train personnel in accordance with the European requirements. It is now important for us to ensure the transfer of minors in a way in which emphasis will be placed on the interests of minors and to prevent the risks that can appear in the process,” stated Nadejda Burciu.

A number of 34 minors are now held in Moldova’s jails. Eighteen of them got final sentences, while 16 are waiting for judgments to be passed in their cases.

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