Ministry of Health to receive 200,000 flu shots

The Ministry of Health will benefit from a consignment of 200,000 flu shots provided as a donation. A memorandum to this effect was signed with the Center for Vaccine Equity, the Task Force for Global Health of the U.S., IPN reports.

In a press release, the Ministry says that this became possible following the fulfillment of the obligations and correct use of the 150,000 shots received last December. As a result, the Republic of Moldova became eligible for continuing to take part in such projects.

The vaccines were certificated by the World Health Organization and will be administered to persons who form part of risk groups before the flu season.

The consignment is expected to arrive in Moldova on October 31. The Ministry of Health said that14 million lei was allocated from the prophylaxis fund for purchasing flu shots, but now that the memorandum was signed, this money could be used to finance other important areas.

According to the Ministry, the vaccine against seasonal flu is the safest method of preventing infection. The shot should be administered each year before the flu season, owing to the genetic and antigenic modifications of the flu viruses.

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