The Ministry of Health constituted a Council for the Prevention of Corruption and Diminution of Informal Payments in the health system. Deputy Minister of Health has told IPN that the council was created to deal with the problem of informal payments and corruption in hospitals.
According to Mihail Ciocanu, in the process of examining the petitions sent to the Ministry of Health there are identified a considerable number of cases when the patients are refused medical services if they do not pay concealed taxes.
The Council for the Prevention of Corruption and Diminution of Informal Payments has the task of working out a plan of action. There will be designed methods for fairly remunerating the competitive doctors, depending on their professionalism and quality of the provided services. The mechanism for collecting payments for medical services provided outside the obligatory health insurance program will be reviewed and its transparency will be ensured.
A simple and accessible method will be available for submitting complaints when informal payments are charged. There will be also created a system of penalties for doctors and patients.