Ministry of Health mounts exhibition entitled “People who inspire”

Nine persons with disabilities who achieved remarkable results in their areas of activity are the protagonists of a photo exhibition entitled “People who inspire”. The photos present lifestyles of community leaders, sports champions, initiators of social projects who distinguished themselves by their perseverance and courage. The exhibition was opened at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection on December 1 in connection with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities that is celebrated on December 3, IPN reports.

Irina Revin, president of the Association of Entrepreneurs with Disabilities from Moldova, is one of the protagonists. She said the heroes from the pictures are persons who want an equitable society not only for themselves, but for all those who had to overcome particular crises to impose themselves, but didn’t succeed. “We struggle for equality of chances for each member of society. When we struggle for our rights, we struggle to protect the rights of all the persons, for each of us apart and for all. This is our wish and the effort we make to achieve it unites us,” stated Irina Revin.

Protagonist Olesea Topal, head of the Organization for Children and Youth with Locomotor Disabilities, stated that the change in people’s attitude to persons with special needs starts from the heart and from small deeds. Together, in an equitable society, all obstacles can be overcome.

In the opening of the event, Ludmila Malcoci, head of the Alliance of Organizations for People with Disabilities, said the persons with disabilities now feel better in society, have more promotion chances and chance to showcase their abilities. “Such events in society lead to the diminution of discrimination against persons with disabilities and show that the persons with special needs are as the others, have dreams and abilities,” she stated.

Veronica Boboc, executive director of the Media Youth Center, noted that the goal of the exhibition is to show the involvement and activism of persons with special needs and the fact that they mobilize and motivate other people. “We want these heroes to mobilize the young people, those with special needs and not only. We want them to be more active, more civically engaged and with increased attitude,” stated Veronica Boboc.

Viorica Dumbraveanu, secretary of state at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, said the organization of the exhibition is a step towards removing the barriers placed in the way of persons with special needs. Such initiatives should generate and foster the promotion of equality of changes, the change and consolidation of positive attitudes. “The barriers are created by stereotypes, by the too great tendency to protect. We are all equal and have the same rights,” stated the official.

The exhibition in the hall of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection will continue until January 31, 2018.

  • ludmila malcoci despre expozitie.mp3
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  • irina revin despre expozitie.mp3
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