It is one year of the April 2009 events, but the authorities have not yet announced the names of the instigators who incited the crowd to violence and to destroying the Parliament Building and the Presidential Office. Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, Minster of Justice Alexandru Tanase said many people saw the instigators and remember how they were dressed and how they were destroying everything around.
'These persons started to be investigated much later, not immediately after the events. The suspected persons managed to eliminate many traces and hide elements that could help discover their identity,” Alexandru Tanase said.
The minister also said that the instigators on April 7 did not act on their own initiative, but were directed. “The Prosecutor's Office knows many of them and questions them. But it is important that we know who brought them in front of the Parliament and what for,” Alexandru Tanase stressed.
The official considers that the investigation bodies have yet a lot of work to do until they can announce names. “There were several hundreds of instigators. It is not easy to prove the guilt of several hundreds of specially trained persons who were managed by professionals,” he said.
Earlier, Prosecutor General Valeriu Zubko said several cases opened against persons accused of acts of vandalism and thefts committed on April 7 have been sent to court. One of these persons was convicted.
After the April 2009 protests, unofficial sources said about 150 prisoners instigated the crowd to violence, while on the night of April 8 they robbed two taxi drivers. The Prosecutor's Office denied this information then. No other details were given in order not to obstruct the investigation.